Poop Token $POOP

Token: Poop Token $POOP

Contract Address: 0x1515350AFC840e088f2c59D27BA04C2479C2062B

Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20), Ethereum (see roadmap)

Supply: Unlimited

Current Emission rate:

2 POOP/block

Reduced every 12 hours until 0.1 POOP/block is reached

9% will be sent to the developer's address for marketing and developer funds.

Deflationary mechanisms:

  • 20% of the lottery pot will be burned

  • 75% of the farm deposit fee will be used to buy Poop and burn

  • 75% of the staking deposit fee will be used to buy Poop and inject into the lottery pot

  • More games (coming soon)

  • 1% Transaction fee burn

List of burn transactions:

List of buyback transactions:

Initial minted Poop: 2,000 to admin address to provide initial liquidity and airdrops.

Admin address

Dev address

Last updated